If you are not making money with our engraving machines - you should be!

Make money engraving.Engraving machines are real moneymakers! If you have any doubts, just surf the web. You will find many, many successful sites. If you are willing to invest a little money and some work, you will make money. The possibilities are unlimited. It is one of the few businesses that the average person can set up in their home or apartment without spending a fortune. Now is the time to become your own boss! We have many, new opportunities for making money with our engraving machines. Call to discuss the machines and payment options available.

Pay for a machine in a weekend! Our machines are great for stores, carnivals, fairs and festivals. It is not uncommon to pay for the machine in a weekend at a large fair or festival. You can engrave a pet tag and turn 50 cents into $5.00 to $10.00 in just minutes!
Sound too good to be true? Not really, but you do have to work at it. And we will work to see that you are successful. The number of potential customers for engraved gifts, jewelry and other products is unlimited! 
  • Engraving machines are ideal for the U.S. Military, Army-Navy Stores and other businesses.
  • Some of our customers: Trophy Shops, Gift Shops, Jewelry Shops, Military, Manufacturers of motors, tires, pumps, cranes and more.
  • Engrave Military ID Tags, Medical Warning Tags, Cable Tags, Vehicle ID Tags, Serial Number tags and more!
  • Engrave name badges and industrial signage.
  • Manufacturers - take control of your business. stop paying $5.00 - $10.00 per tag and waiting for the tags. Do it in house as needed.
  • Hotels, motels and other courtesy business - make your own name badges instead of sending them out and paying an exorbitant price and dealing with long delays.
Call 815-568-4115 for details! We will provide you with names and phone numbers of companies who will provide you with the materials you need - gifts, plaques, trophies, signage materials and more. At wholesale prices.